November 4, 2009

Testing the waters

Recently, I decided that it would be beneficial to keep a personal blog.  I follow a few different blogs on a daily or weekly basis, and enjoy keeping up with the lives of friends and others.  While I was living in Charlottetown a couple of years ago, I kept a blog with the intent of keeping in touch with friends and family back home.  I would often feel better after posting an entry, and writing in a casual and non-academic format helped me to break away from the grind of all of the term papers and essays that I was working on at the time.

After quitting school last year and leaving the U of A, I have done very little writing.  It's high time to get back at it.  I still like to go back and read my Charlottetown blog once in a while, because it reminds me of all of the experiences that I had while I was there and brings back a lot of fond memories.  Now that I have a son, I feel that this is the time of my life that I will most want to remember.  Realizing my experiences through writing and sharing that writing with others has always been my method for understanding the world and my place in it.

Returning to an art form, if I can call it that, after a long period of absence is awkward and difficult.  I literally sat in front of my computer monitor for over an hour just trying to decide what my blog's title should be.  The breadth of options can be paralyzing.  I had all of these clever ideas, but every time I entered them into the field where you pick your blog's URL, I found that someone had beaten me to it, and my little buds of creativity retreated into their stalks.

Reverb/chorus.  It's music-related, as is my entire life.  It has some deeper meaning somewhere that I'm not going to hash out here for the sake of everyone who reads this.  It's polyphonic, it's vocal, it's somehow relevant to all of this.

I hope that some people will read this as I write it and call me out on things that I say I'll do, and bug me to update about events in my life and experiences with my wife and my baby.  I think that doing this will help me to keep my life more organized, because when I don't write things down, I always forget to do them.  It's likely that my first few attempts at writing again will be utter crap, but bear with me, because I'll need some practice to get my brain and my fingers back on track.

Stay de-tuned.  Like my guitar.  Next post, I'll write about my guitars because I really like them and if I don't, someone will send me a message saying, "Dude, why haven't you updated your blog yet, I want to read about your guitars."

Time to quit, goodnight everyone.

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